Your gateway to SARS

Solving complex integration problems simply

Omnea sars solutions

Still manually integrating with SARS?

We are the preferred provider to SARS for tax submissions, and we’re simplifying the complex integration process and the time-consuming administrative process for your business.

We enable businesses that are registered with SARS for 3rdParty Data Submissions to securely transfer files to SARS, utilising the connectivity and infrastructure in place between Omnea and SARS.

Each tax type is seamlessly configured on our hosted service, and each acknowledgement received back from SARS will be sent back to you without the hassle of trying to obtain it yourself.

Omnea benefits

We solve multiple challenges, including:

  • Frequent, time-consuming, and complex tax submissions to SARS
  • Lengthy integration processes
  • Formatting complexity when communicating with SARS
  • Costly integration into SARS
Omnea solutions

We provide you with enhanced benefits such as:

  • Access to our secure and resilient infrastructure, and a host Disaster Recovery Site
  • Cost-effective, seamless, and quick integration for multiple tax types
  • Processing large volumes of data at the click of a button
  • Easy access to your SARS submissions through a single portal

The use of a reliable partner for 3rd party data submissions to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) can bring a number of significant benefits for organisations. Partnering with Omnea for 3rd party data submissions to SARS can support businesses by enhancing their compliance and efficiency, improving their data management, and ensuring the security of sensitive information. By partnering with a trusted and experienced organisation, businesses can ensure that the data submission process runs smoothly and effectively.

Get back to focusing on what you do best, and let us take care of the rest.

Why Trust Us

Omnea dedicated support

Dedicated support and service management

Omnea preferred provider to SARS

Preferred provider to SARS for 3rd Party Tax Submissions

Omnea certified engineers

Access to certified engineers

Omnea enhanced security management

Enhanced security management